DGET Documentation






DGET- Drosophila Gene Expression Tool

DGET Overview

DGET was designed to facilitate the retrieval and analysis of RNA-Seq based expression data in a high-throughput fashion.  The tool can be compared with expression features at FlyMine and FlyBase. FlyMine provides array-based expression data for high-throughput analysis. FlyBase provides both array-base and RNA-Seq based expression data one gene a time. As a supplement to FlyMine and FlyBase, DGET allows batch searches, filtration and enrichment analyses for a list of genes. In addition, at DGET users can search for genes with similar or opposite expression profiles and can build a synexpression network using any of the datasets.


A preprint version of the DGET manuscript is available at http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/09/15/075358

Datasets currently covered at DGET

  1. Cell Lines, by modEncode

Cherbas, L. et al (2011). "The transcriptional diversity of 25 Drosophila cell lines." Genome Res 21(2): 301-314.

  1. Developmental Stages, by modEncode

Graveley, B. R. et al (2011). "The developmental transcriptome of Drosophila melanogaster." Nature 471(7339): 473-479.

  1. Tissues, by modEncode

Graveley, B. R. et al (2011). "The developmental transcriptome of Drosophila melanogaster." Nature 471(7339): 473-479.

  1. Treatment, by modEncode

Graveley, B. R. et al (2011). "The developmental transcriptome of Drosophila melanogaster." Nature 471(7339): 473-479.

  1. Gut sub-regions, by Spradling lab

Marianes, A. and A. C. Spradling (2013). "Physiological and stem cell compartmentalization within the Drosophila midgut." Elife 2: e00886.

  1. Gut cell types and sub-regions, by Buchon lab

Dutta, D. et al (2015). "Regional Cell-Specific Transcriptome Mapping Reveals Regulatory Complexity in the Adult Drosophila Midgut." Cell Rep 12(2): 346-358.

Data visualization

  1. Heatmap view

Plotting of heat-maps for svg download is done in R using the gplot heatmap function.

  1. Network view

Plotting of network is done using Cytoscape and a JSON representation of the network is sent with the html. The nodes are input genes while the edges are drawn for gene pairs with Pearson correlation score that meets user defined cut-off


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Publication to cite and for more information